HORIUCHI, Motohiro
"Pathobiological research for zoonosis control"
We will concentrate on clarifying the molecular mechanisms that determine host-specificity, and on the tissue tropisms of pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, protozoa, parasites and prions. We will also focus on elucidating the molecular basis of zoonotic infection pathogenesis. Furthermore, we will make efforts to clarify the mechanisms of innate and acquired immunity against zoonotic pathogens. The outcomes of the research are expected to provide useful information on the development of diagnosis, preventive measures and therapeutics for zoonosis.

"Studies on the mechanism of prion propagation and pathogenesis of prion diseases"
Propagation and transmission of prion, the infections agent of prion diseases, thought to be associated with membrane trafficking, although the precise mechanism involved is unclear. Our focus lies in clarifying the molecular mechanisms of prion propagation within cells and prion transmission between cells. Microglial activation and astrocytosis, as well as the up-regulation of chemokines and cytokines, are common features of the neuropathological lesions associated with prion diseases. We also focus on understanding the mechanisms of such host responses in the pathogenesis of the diseases. In addition, we aim to establish the therapeutics for prion diseases based on the molecular mechanisms of prion propagation and pathogenesis.

Professor, Lab. of Veterinary Hygiene, Dept. of Applied Veterinary Sciences, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine

SAWA, Hirofumi

"Investigation of molecular pathogenesis of viral diseases"
We have investigated the relationship between hosts and infectious pathogens using newly established molecular biological and cell biological approaches, and have examined the intracellular movement of virions using spatiotemporal imaging techniques. We have also found a therapeutic strategy involving siRNA and pharmaceutical reagents for the treatment of viral infectious diseases based on the results obtained from basic research. Recently, We have worked to identify natural reservoirs of hemorrhagic viruses mainly in the Republic of Zambia, Africa.

Professor, Dept. of Molecular Pathobiology, Research Center for Zoonosis Control

E-mail address : h-sawa@czc.hokudai.ac.jp

UMEMURA, Takashi

“Investigation of neurotropic mechanisms of microorganisms and defense mechanisms of host immunity to the neurotropic pathogens”
The mechanisms behind the transneural spread of the rabies virus, the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus, the pseudorabies virus and the hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus will be compared and clarified to establish novel preventive and therapeutic measures for these diseases. In particular, priority will be given to the development and establishment of (1) therapy for rabid animals and humans, (2) an animal model of influenzal encephalopathy in childhood, and (3) demonstration of defense mechanisms of intrathecal immunization to neurotropic pathogens.

Professor, Lab. of Comparative Pathology, Dept. of Veterinary Clinical Sciences

E-mail address : umemura@vetmed.hokudai.ac.jp

INABA, Mutsumi

"Development of molecular-based diagnostic tools for Prion diseases"
We have investigated physiological and pathobiological mechanisms for quality control and proteasomal degradation in the ER, membrane trafficking, association with partner proteins, and functional assembly into the plasma membrane of transmembrane proteins. We are also working on the mechanism behind the inherited structural diversity of the major transmembrane sialoglycoprotein found on the surface of erythroid cells. Based on the findings of these studies, we will analyze the cellular molecules that regulate or affect the intracellular turnover and trafficking of virus membrane proteins and/or the invasion of viruses and protozoan parasites.

Professor, Lab. of Molecular Medicine, Dept. of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine

E-mail address : inazo@vetmed.hokudai.ac.jp

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